Case Studies
Traferium Product Branding | NewWave
About the Client: NewWave is a globally-recognized, federally-certified provider of innovative business solutions for government and industry.
Users: Traferium users are system integrators looking to include this capability in their recompete bids, federal government agencies, and those looking for fast, risk-less migration to the cloud with optimization and the ability to move more than just data.
Project Details: The Engineering team at NewWave had produced a product that was being prepared to go to market. Traferium takes more than just data out of the user’s harddrive and puts it seamlessly into the cloud via Snowflake. People are often afraid they will lose or corrupt their data if they transfer it or won’t have the money to do so securely – Traerium solves that problem for them. The Creative Services team was tapped to form this product’s complexities into palatable story in laymans terms, in order to differentiate it and give site visitors context. We would implement it throughout the main deliverables, including branding, an informational website with plan to host exclusive, gated resources in future, and motion graphics video embedded in the site.
My Contribution: After meeting with the product engineers in order to identify the product features, use cases, user personas, and potential customers, I led my team through a brainstorming session in which we dove into creating an analogy to tell the story in a way that was simplistic and more relatable for people. I provided project management, branding, visual and user interface design, presentation design, and art direction for the website wireframes, prototyping in AdobeXD, WordPress development, animation storyboarding and final motion graphics.
Contribution included storyboarding, story-telling strategy, art direction and branding; animation & production by
Outcomes: We decided to set up a parallax site in WordPress, with very simplistic ties to NewWave branding, as a product that’s powered by NewWave. The result of the brainstorming and planning sessions was a travel-related analogy that lines up the key features with the concept of a train moving forward (migrating) with a cargo full of more-than-just data. The transfer is secured (conductor imagery), the process is easy/siple for the user (golden ticket holder/first class imagery), cloud optimization occurs (hot air balloon lifts train into cloud), the process is automated (track/path set on map) and data quality enhancement occurs (train either turns gold or sparkles clean). Site is live and can be viewed at