Case Studies
SAFHIR Product Branding | NewWave
About the Client: NewWave is a globally-recognized, federally-certified provider of innovative business solutions for government and industry.
Users: The users of the SAFHIR product are healthcare systems that have payers within them, such as Blue Cross Blue Shield, Innovalon, and others interested in value-based payment capabilities using FHIR interoperability. The audience personas that the efforts below were facing were attendees of the Carin Alliance Connectathon (hosted in NewWave’s Windsor Mill Campus).
Project Details: The SAFHIR logo was created by the Marketing team, prior to my time working with them, but as our engineers worked with Microsoft to finalize the product and prepare to launch it in Spring 2020, we needed to prepare some overview infographics, promotional materials and screen designs for event agendas. The trouble with this product is that it abstract. The technology industry is somewhat faceless and complex, so to try to sell a product for which the user is different than the purchasor/stakeholder and explain an intricate concept in minimal ways can be difficult, as it was with this product.
My Contribution: While the main storytelling and communications were being crafted for more extensive storytelling at the upcoming product launch at HiMSS 2020, I was tasked with helping the team to preview the product at the Connectathon. I don’t usually like to work backward like that, designing prior to the messaging and goals being finalized, however, in this case, it was a fire drill situation in which we just needed something to sneak in some of the SAFHIR story ahead of the upcoming launch and hint at what was to come. In response, I did the research, pulling far too much technical detail from the minds of the key executive SMEs, and synthesizing it down to key actions and crafted a horizontal, abstract infographic that tells the high-level story. This was then turned into a horizontal rack card to give out at the event, and then I created digital signage needed to display the agenda and branding at the event.

Outcomes: The event welcomed 50 or so industry SMEs for the event hosted by Carin Alliance, but was strategically important for connecting with potential future SAFHIR users in anticipation of the FHIR Interoperability ruling that was suspected to be released soon.