Case Studies
Convergence & JOIN | NewWave
About the Client: NewWave is a globally-recognized, federally-certified provider of innovative business solutions for government and industry.
Audience: Convergence and JOIN conference attendees. Hosted in Baltimore, Convergence is a CMS event, so the attendees are mostly government executives looking to network and learn more about emerging technologies that can support their initiatives, and of course all of the vendors who network among themselves as well. JOIN 2019 was hosted by Looker in Santa Cruz, CA. That audience is specifically the data community, and related business leaders interested in everything from leading data-driven organizations to advanced data modeling.
Project Details: For Convergence 2019, NewWave sponsored a small vendor space and sent a skeleton crew to manage it. The deliverables required of the Creative Services team were very minimal.
The JOIN conference required much more from the team, as our CEO, Patrick Munis, had been invited to travel out to give a 1 hour keynote session focusing on the niche in data solutions for government that the NewWave and Looker partnership was impacting.
My Contribution: The 3-part continuous advertisement that I designed for Convergence 2019 was used in its full form as well as broken up for individual light box posters, ads and presentation elements.

For JOIN, I provided design and creative direction for NewWave’s presence and brand interactions at the event. I designed everything from powerful, story-telling presentations for the keynote and side sessions, to a vibrant light box display at our sponsored booth and additional publication design and marketing materials. I also offered art direction and project management for my team who were collaborating to create motion graphics to populate on a screen mounted to the light box.
Outcomes: NewWave’s presence at Looker’s JOIN 2019 event in CA was well-received and drove online traffic to targeted content, created opportunities for business development and networking, and established NewWave as a niche Government data expert in a mostly commercial arena.