Why I’m joining the 1% who write on LI…
Somehow the LinkedIn algorithm has recently decided that I need to be poked in the ribs and prodded to write more. ‘Only 1% of LI users actually post content,’ it says. ‘So, why don’t you?,’ it hints.
At first, I scrolled on past. But then it got me thinking (touche, LinkedIn):
There are definitely some topics I’d love to read actual thought leadership on that I’ve searched for and haven’t been able to find anyone talking about on LinkedIn. But, per usual, my imposter syndrome woke up and had nearly convinced me that perhaps no one else is interested in the perspectives and topical insights I’m interested in…
BUT – if only 1% are contributing content, then of that 1% there is an even lower percentage chance that anyone is posting about those specific things. So, rather than allowing myself to be intimidated by the bohemoth accounts that make me tired just thinking of maintaining them, I’ve tossed my Imposter Syndrome out the window and embraced the idea of an explorative journey without putting any emphasis on perfection.
Here are my personal reasons for writing on LI even if monetization isn't my goal:

Because…A body in motion stays in motion.
- As a design generalist, I have far more design experience than writing experience…and yet my day job responsibilities include various strategic communication and UX content tasks.
- The more I write – about anything, honestly – the more fluid I become with my paid writing.
- When I come to a halt, it’s a grind to get going again.
Because…Allowing fear to block my growth is a no-go.
- I’ve spent far too many years holding back for fear of others’ judgments. What if their opinion of me changes in a negative way? What if they misunderstand what I’m trying to say? What if I get something wrong and its online forever?
- I’ve realized that if I don’t do something, someone else will – so if I want to do it, why not give it a go?
- If only 1% of LI users actually post, then screw-it: People who sit back and judge content without contributing anything are armchair-critics, and I struggle to muster up the energy to care what they think.
Because…I personally crave content that is authentic, diverse, and deep, and I bet others do, too.
- I could not care less about someone else’s vanity metrics or 6-figure passive income.
- I don’t see the type of content I wish I could have been learning from earlier in my career.
- If there’s a gap that I can fill in an effort to give others a hand along their paths – why wait for someone else to jump in?
Because…Its an exercise in building my voice, and my community – which matures my personal brand.
- If you want me to care about competing with others’ metrics for no reason that resonates with me, I’ll give you a blank stare.
- But I’m a brand identity nerd, so when you remind me that building community and my voice not only helps others, it also develops a trail of who I am, where I’ve been, and ultimately projects where I might still go – I’m there for that win-win combination.
"A body in motion stays in motion – and that goes for writers, too."
Bre Wheeler Tweet
So, 'Hi, my name is Bre...'
I’m just here to practice writing, share insights with others, connect within my industry, and build people up along their journeys.
I write about…
- Real-life experiences being the design unicorn that no one sets out to be
- Thing I wish someone could have told me earlier in my career (industry mentorship)
- Design Thinking, experience design, and the psychology of the creative mind
- Design in more constrained spaces
- Personal theories on life and working with humans
I’m not here to pressure anyone to write if they haven’t realized the value of it yet. But I am definitely here to cheer on those in my community who intend to explore their voice, at any stage of their journeys, so find me on LinkedIn!