Digital Marketing
Digital marketing brings a brand – and a business – to life.
The nurturing of new brands into mature, digital marketing systems and workflows is the key to the steady increase of brand awareness, product marketing successes, and the presentation and publication of thought leadership content online.

Blogs & Social Media | BI
A significant part of my role at BI is to manage and design for all social media (on LinkedIn and Twitter) and blogs. I curate content, plan the SEO, write, edit and coordinate with subject-matter-experts on pieces that they author or are involved with, in order to build up the enterprise’s brand-supporting storytelling online.
Blogs authored for BI:

Social Media: When I entered BI in November 2022, the LinkedIn following was at approximately 8,800k followers. The engagement was stagnant, the audience was mostly their overseas employees, and the content was ad-hoc – not strategic to any defined business purposes. Since the main targeted audience for BI is mostly reachable on LinkedIn, our strategy had to focus on this platform.
In order to address this challenge, I quickly built a comprehensive social media management system, planned continuous content in defined categories, created an employee engagement program to encourage their support, and designed post imagery within the modernized brand identity.
The outcome within the 1st year was a smashing success!
- LinkedIn followers increased to 30k
- Audience demographics shifted to have the most representation in the top 3 U.S. cities in which BI has its largest team locations

Social Media | NewWave
I find joy in seeing brands come alive with their audiences, and the campaigns and workflows I’ve developed have very quickly increased SEO rankings and interactions in LinkedIn, Facebook, Instagram and Twitter.
In served as an extra pair of design hands, led 2 other social media designers, and offered art direction for each campaign. I also built out the master media calendar, assigned tasks and wrote all social content.
A 6 month sampling of campaign metrics in 2022 showed the following improvements across 4 channels:
- Audience up 5%
- Interactions up 153%
- Clicks up 945% (!!)
- Shares up 125%
- Impressions up 117%

Product Marketing | Imersis
Drawing from a deep understanding of state Medicaid operations and T-MSIS data, NewWave and Mathematica partnered together to create a solution for states that will provide new ways to visualize data to make program improvements and empower states to build powerful data analytics programs.
My role in this project was to create a visual story around a complex technical tool, and put it in front of targeted audiences online, to generate brand awareness and generate leads. For the product explainer video, I led a team of product SME’s and creatives through collaborative brainstorming to create the main storytelling analogy, script generation, storyboarding, illustration, art direction for motion graphics and final video production. The video and other product feature posts take the spotlight on social media regularly, along with blog publications, press releases, and pitch decks.

Presentations & Publications | NewWave
Because of the proprietary nature of most presentations, I can’t show much of that here. Consistent branding and storytelling techniques are valued skills that I put to use at NewWave. This work took the form of pitch decks, executive briefings, all-staff calls, keynote speaker decks, ‘orals’ decks, etc.
I designed publications that told past performance and capability stories to targeted audiences. This work included white papers, executive bios, product info sheets, blogs, press releases, marketing emails, newsletters, and more.